The novel, written by Suzanne Allain and published in 2009, has undergone a lengthy adaptation process, beginning with a script written by the same author and having her first steps in a short film directed by the same person who is behind the film today, Emma Holly Jones, who is associated with Vice Studios’ Refinery29 and its Shatterbox series of short films, which gave women filmmakers the opportunity to show their work. Then it was back on the shelves, this time via Berkley Press, thanks to the popularity of the short film, which had over two million views.
Selina, the daughter of a penniless vicar and an outcast in high society, is ecstatic when her friend Julia Thistlewaite invites her to London, until she discovers it’s all part of a scheme to retaliate against Mr. Malcolm. Selina is hesitant to join Julia’s scheme, especially after meeting the irresistible Mr. Malcolm, who appears to be nothing like the arrogant scoundrel Julia. But when Mr. Malcolm starts judging Selina by her unrealistic standards, Selina realises she has some qualifications of her own. And if she is to meet them, she must reveal the true man who is hiding behind her. Watch more Soap2today free movies for streaming within a click.
Mr. Malcolm’s List Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Mr. Malcolm’s List (2022)
Genres: 2022 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Directors: Emma Holly Jones
Writer: Suzanne Allain
Stars: Freida Pinto, Sope Dirisu, Oliver Jackson-Cohen